I am not going to lie... when I realized my little one's sniffle was probably enough to stay home from school for a day of rest, I heard screeching brakes inside my head. Mother's Day had been so perfectly relaxing, but today I really needed to hit the ground running again.
But as my little one sniffled in his footie PJs at breakfast, I knew the day would not go as planned. I am trying really hard to live in the moment, to enjoy these days with my kids. That is easier said than done for me. I wake up each morning with a million ideas swirling around my head... everything from my nutrition coursework and launching swellmom to writing this blog, volunteer work and the (never-ending) details of raising two young children. It is hard not to feel a bit thrown off when you're counting on 3 or 4 hours of preschool.
And then I remembered the perfect day we enjoyed together yesterday.
The heartfelt cards...
The day spent hiking. I'd watched my kids revel in nature, laugh, explore, create, run, alternating holding hands with me and their Meme, telling stories, asking questions, climbing boulders. They are two of the most incredibly kind, empathetic, curious, sweet boys in the whole world. Granted, I am bit biased. You'll just have to trust me on that one.
Nice activity. These may help much the children to value the nature and our environment. Home Activities